Thursday, November 4, 2010



The Peoples Party of Arunachal Pradesh is in verge of getting a new symbol a half pilled maize .The long demand of the majority Publics of the State for making the earlier temporary Maize symbol as Parties permanent symbol today got passed on this 22nd Nov. 2010 by the majority PPA cadres present in the hotel Nemko Naharlagun .
Sometimes we may have to leave something to the Gods will and learn from the history majority accepted . As after Independence the Congress Party was also in a dilemma to weather continue the Gandhi’s charka or Indras hand as party symbol.. But it seems the publics who had suffered in the partition would have found charka in bad taste . So majority opined that the Maize symbol will be an standing ovation to the mother nature for saving the Poor’s as it comes before rice cultivation and in the future it won’t be a controversial sign to some community or religion .
The relevancy of the Maize in all the religion makes it agile as election symbol ; it is pertinent to mention that many Christians and the Buddhists lobby have been demanding for this symbol as the PPA Parties official symbol. Plus it is distinct and clear . The majority opined that the Mithun is State symbol and used in rituals which some community or religion may not like . Today Mithuns are creating havoc to the Villagers farm , plus there are at present less takers of the old Mithun symbol for which proposal have come after long time and mostly the old supporters are long dead and the Party have been remade by new cadres . And as the Maize have been very lucky for the PPA their fore it must be continued as changing the symbol again and again will be bad for the Party as Publics has already shown their inclination to vote for the Party in maize symbol by giving two Hon’ble MLA’s to us .
The party ideology is the most important thing in today’s educated world provided we are convinced ourselves first and work . Today symbol may be of little relevance more so in educated society like ours where popularity of maize has also increased as logic , reasoning and grassroots acceptability is for this symbol with all the cross section of society after all the BSP does not cut its symbol like elephant is what majority opined .
Those who criticize now may have criticize our decision in any way even if we have continue to pursue mithun symbol is what majority opined . See how Naga Peoples Front won by getting Cock as symbol . See how Baba Ramdev is getting popularity symbol or no symbol thus it is rising the Public issue that matter than the symbol and as it has been decided once for all the Party cadres are expected to start the Public work with missionary jeal to make our State corrupt free regional Party .

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