My father late Dakto Basarji who left for
heavenly abode on 15.11.2014 was a great man; as in spite of doing an
elementary education he did so much for the society of the Basar area of West
Siang Dist. Arunachal Pradesh India.That even the contemporary leader will be
shy of seeing his performance which he did as a commoner.
And this is a
honest fact in this part of the world where the Peoples are in the worst
transition period and looking after their own bread and butter.And the kind of
message that poured in the mobile and the social network proved his popularity.It
is pertinent to mention that the Arunachal Pradesh which is in the North east
part of India is lying in a sensitive border area with China.
And time and again
the China have been claiming this Arunachal Pradesh as part of China.Yet many are unaware of
problem faced by the Denizens of this place.And what really needed here is
world`s sympathy as here the class between the rich and poor is increasing like
And in this backdrop lots of local Good
Samaritans like my father is needed.As whatever he did he did of his own
without taking help of the power and position.The list of Late Dakto Basarjis personal
contribution to the Basar town in particular and State of Arunachal Pradesh of
North East India in general is worth pndering.In a time when the Itanagar was
virtually in jungle and the policy decision
of the State was decided by the Siang Dist. Publics he did just what it was
needed then.
He was born some
eighty yrs. ago as eldest son to his father late Kardak Basar of the Gori
Village.The family geneology of my father is –Ato/forefather Tani Nito,Nito,Topo,Pone,Neur,Urchi,Chikar,karko,Kore,Rihar,Hara,Aka,Kangu,Nguchi,Chimar,Marsen,
Hengo( Elephant hunter),Gomar,Marli,Likar,Kardak and Dakto Basar.Interestingly
as critics claimed their was really seen manifest blessing of benevolent and malevolent gods and godess
upon the family during my fathers time.
As in family pooja and
ceremony the rainfall was really seen as some Publics here claimed that the
family was blessed by the god –Buru Kale which seems to be short of Indra Devta
mythological god of Hindu.Interestingly I remember the family priest Late Tage
Angu of the Gori-III village once claimed that grandfather Ato Hengos curse of
hunting the elephant was cleansed by my father by organizing a large Peka Uyu
sacrifice.And he was claiming after that my father gained name and fame.
He seems to have seen education
as only means to change the society for good.And thus in the educational field
he not only educated all his progenies but He was instrumental in setting up of
the Gori M.E School ,Gori football field and played lead role in the construction
of the Gori-I Dere being the ASM of the united
Gori and Soi Village.Being the Bazar Secy. Of the Basar Bazar he was
instrumental in making of the Old Market Bazar School.
And later played
pivotal land in saving it from the land encroacher`s. And some critics even
claim that he convinced his Marli Aao family to cooperate the Govt. when some
prominent Publics of the Basar area gave the Lower town area land for
construction of the Govt.H.S.School Basar which brought up many great persons
of the Basar area.
The great man always influenced
his friends and relatives around him.We remember that there was a time that our
house use to be the cultural and social meeting point.And surely great singer
like Moge Doji,Director Higher education Tejum Paduji and Er,Markar Bam ( S.E
PWD) etc.will accept this.
And my father
even in odds he never buckled under pressure.This we show when our house
was ones burn in fire and when his party lost election in PPA days .But he
seems to have been very possessive of his childrens specially me as critics
claim I greatly reflect him.
In the Socio
Economic front He being the fighter for
the justice and equality he was pioneer in the objection against the evacuation
of the Soi Village.And for it as the compromise formula present Staaf canteen
area is said to have taken birth in Basar area.Yet having vision of the future
he was the only one to support the Leut.Governor K.A Raja to open capital in
the Basar town.
And today whole local
Publics are regreting for loosing this chance of economic boom.My father played
a major role in starting the Old market /Basar Bazar with his few friends and
never took any allotment from the Govt. land also.And great man like Sri Boken
Eteji also credit him for setting up of the Staaf canteen market in Basar.Thus
most of the claims of my father have witness.Thus many Publics of Basar town
can see him as its modern founder.
He also played a major
role in opening of the NH -52 road from Akajan to Basar in Shiv Mandir area as
a contractor as he took one chen = 30 mtr. and completed it successfully for
mare Rs.500/- which was also not large amount for the worst challenging cite he faced.Later he went
to Daporijo and established himself as a good contractor.In Basar his
construction of two RWD Qtr. Can be still seen in the Gori Complex and one
Irrigation channel in the Hiri area near Eshi Chiko Village.
In the political field he
fought with Late Tomo Ribaji Ex-Hon`ble C.M hand in hand and was instrumental
in making him politically successful. He never played politics for his
personal gain and rather used to be in
the losing end for it.Most of the prominent Public leaders in the town seems
to have benefitted from his generosity.
Unfortunately the beneficiaries who took land from him at peanuts seldom looked back in his own time of crisis.My father always believed in my leadership and was really shocked when I was betrayed by close one in my last bid for MLA post from the 29th Basar ( ST) Assembly constituency.
Unfortunately the beneficiaries who took land from him at peanuts seldom looked back in his own time of crisis.My father always believed in my leadership and was really shocked when I was betrayed by close one in my last bid for MLA post from the 29th Basar ( ST) Assembly constituency.
And it seems to effected his health once and
for all; as I seems to represent his pride and egoism.As perhaps he really
wanted to do many things for the society through me and perhaps he himself felt
his limitation for less education in his own time.And wanted to compensate
himself through the educated sons and daughters.
The present blog of mine,D.T
Cable network we run in the Basar town,the famous GRK society in the Basar area
is to many way I suppose ,effect of my fathers vision and wishes directly or
indirectly.Even what little vote I got in last election. Even in our childhood
the poor Cow Boys who use to take cow from Silapathar to Daporijo used to
mostly sleep in our house.
In the field of the
agriculture he sacrificed his Teru WRC field to make hybrid crop/ rice research
possible.This show the introduction of the IR-8 rice variety in the rice field
of Basar town which suited the local environment.He was also instrumental in
the opening of the ICAR farm in Basar town of the west Siang Dist.Arunachal Pradesh in cooperation with
the Ex-Hon`ble C.M late Tomo Ribaji which is the 2nd best in the
North east.
And in opening of the KVK farm in the Bam village also he played a lead role.As this was time when the leader was blindly followed and the land donors based on fathers reputation and good connection perhaps kept mum.
And in opening of the KVK farm in the Bam village also he played a lead role.As this was time when the leader was blindly followed and the land donors based on fathers reputation and good connection perhaps kept mum.
He showed his patriotism by
playing a vital role in donation of large chunk of land to the 22rd
Battallian of ITBP.Which later converted into 23rd SSB way back in
1968.This was time when the Commandant was I.V Negi ( I.PS).And presently this land is
again occupied by 49th ITBP Battalian.
The document relating to the land
transaction should be in the SSB RK Puram Head Office in New Delhi.And even the
land owners like Karto Basar of Soi Village is still alive and also important
man like P.I Sri kraken Basar of Gori –II village.And thus Govt. of India should
have no problem if it wills to reward
the Patriotic to inspire others.
There was time that the
new recruits used to come to seek my fathers blessings.And earlier a SSB quota for job
recruitment was given for my father to decide.Many well wishers expect a recognisation from the Govt. of
India to reward my fathers patriotism.As in 15.11.2015 family wants to celebrate his anniversary in Basar town.
Atleast so far for the Govt. side Hon`ble
MOS ( Home) Sri Kiran Rijiju my bosom friend personally called up condoling the
death of my father.As for the ICAR – Joint Director Bhagwatji he come on the
behalf of the Dept. with the floral tribute.
The fathers last wish for recognisation of his endeavor for donation of
SSB/ITBP land is not without basis, as
father and his team have never taken a single cent for the large chunk of land donated
for the defense establishment where 49th ITBP is now settled as on Nov. 2014.The land was taken over by 23 BN SSB which later converted to 12 BN SSB and might be now in Kishanganj Bihar along with all the documents.
See during a time when non seems to be ready to donate a land to army that too freely my fathers endeavor may be seen as an example for others also.As so large area and in the prime place will be worth crores of rupees in today’s time.
See during a time when non seems to be ready to donate a land to army that too freely my fathers endeavor may be seen as an example for others also.As so large area and in the prime place will be worth crores of rupees in today’s time.
Seeing his
patriotism on 26.11.2014 Sri Kenrik Basar the Gen.Secy.( organization)Basar
Mandal BJP of the 29th Basar Assembly Constituency )wrote an
application on behalf of the entire Basar area Publics to the Commandant 49th
ITBP Battallian presently in occupation of the defense land to recommend name
of Late Dakto Basar for countries highest award for this yeoman service to
nation. As for my view this if accepted by the highest body of the Govt. of
India on very special case should encourage other also who may have done great
service to nation.
the business field he was the first to bring the horse in the Basar town.And
mind it ride it like Cow Boy with a white can Cow Boy cap which was his trade
mark.Man was so fashionable and before time and can be seen as an aristrocat at
his best. Unfortunately today’s rich man seems to be not enjoying the life the
way my father did.The man lived the life completely in his time and seems to
have been exponent of fashion also.
And not only
that he brought cobbler and barber for
the first time in the Basar town.And the Bihar business man more specially seems to have spread in Basar
town by his initiative.And in late 1970`s in connivance with the J.K Satto
company he brought Power Tiller and distributed Rice Mill of the Bharat Shakti
company in whole Siang and Sibunsiri Dist. With the partnership with the
Withering Company.
Today also his rice mill
is functioning in some nearby and far off village this even Magistrate Sri
Hento kargaji accepted.I accompanied my father on many of his business mission
and many a times he use to sacrifice his part of profit on Peoples request.To
some critics view he was first instrumental in setting up the cinema hall in
the Basar town also though for the technical reason the License could not be
procured by him.
And thus he silently sacrificed his right for a relative.He also started the Koor Aao Saw Mill for operation of timber which benefitted many Publics.This was in partnership with the Ram Avatar Sharma of the Tinsukia Assam.
And thus he silently sacrificed his right for a relative.He also started the Koor Aao Saw Mill for operation of timber which benefitted many Publics.This was in partnership with the Ram Avatar Sharma of the Tinsukia Assam.
In the education field he made
sure his all the progenies get nice quality education.The kids where provided
all the facility like-tution by the best teachers, badminton ,gramophone facility
in the childhood where provided to us.He even provided us the milk from the cow
this show his passion for making us so special
in a time when others where merry making.Thus when the progenies are seen as
different by critics credit alone lies on my father who seems to have always
learnt from others.
And he surely seems to
have knew the value of the proper diet from the day one.The best environment
have made all the brothers and sisters very confident citizens with the
positive outlook.Er.Tomo Basar ( C.E PHED /Drawing and Disbursement working
under Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh ).
And Prof.Topi Basar my younger sister now teaching in the Delhi University ( Law Faculty) is notably known for his values in their life.And father also advised many students to achieve greatness the main beneficiary seems to have been my elder brother Er.Tomo Basar`s batch who always used to visit my house.
And Prof.Topi Basar my younger sister now teaching in the Delhi University ( Law Faculty) is notably known for his values in their life.And father also advised many students to achieve greatness the main beneficiary seems to have been my elder brother Er.Tomo Basar`s batch who always used to visit my house.
father was suffering from asthama and had to struggle all his life.He was orphan
at early age and brought up by the forefather Late Kargo Basar who was also one
of the only freedom fighter of the Arunachal Pradesh.My father was blessed with
a nobel wife Late Tumbi Basar who was also great lady of her time.
And my mother was first
to fight against the force marriage in the Aalo Bango Dere of the West Siang
Dist. This was when the R.N Haldipur who later become the leut.Governor of the
State of Arunachal Pradesh was the Hon`ble Deputy Commissioner.
He lost my mother Late Tumbi Basar on 4th Jan. 1974.And after my
mother died of cancer he re-married the present mother Smty.Yai Basar.
He is now servived by-Smty.Tokir
Angu ( J.T),Smty.Topu Ete ( Bussiness woman),Er.Tomo Basar( C.E),myself,Sri
Tojo Basar( proprietor of D.T Construction House),Prof.Topi Basar,Sri Toli
Basar ( Bussiness man),Er.Tonya Basar,Er.Todar Basar ( A.E Power
Dept.),Smty.Tongam Lollen ( LDC).There are also some great man who have helped
my father in his times of troubles.We the D.T family will be always indebted to
Hon`ble M.P Rajya Sabha Tarun Vijayji in
helping tracing my beloved father few years back when he was lost in the street
of New Delhi.
This was time when my
father was really ill and perhaps upset with my family and personal problem.The
family will be also indebted to the family and friends who visited my fathers
last rite.Notably of them was Sri Tabom Bam ( IAS) Retd.Chief Secy.Govt.Of
A.P),Sri karyom Riram ( Rtd.Secy.Govt. of A.P),Rtd.Director health Dr.Tajum
Basar, Rtd. Director Agriculture Sri Tago Basar,Sri Eken Ribaji ( Ex-Hon`ble
Cabinet Minister) ,Sri Hengo Basar( P.D ),Sri Doi Riba ( business man)Sri
Naksang Tsring Gen.Secy PPA etc.
The generosity of my
father was even seen when his last will was read out by my elder sister which
was written by my father.And which secret was knowingly eluded from others at
his direction when he was alive.The will bestowed a portion of land occupied by
his brother Nyajum Basar permanently to him.The greatness of my father was also
seen when he was no more so much of crowd was seen in his last rite which truly
spoke of his greatness.And so many prayed for his bereaved soul.
My father lived life
King size saying and doing what his heart said and thought he was a fearless
man and never compromised on his principles.His last right was performed by the
grandson Mr.Moli Basar, Mr.Moji Basar,Mr.Joto Basar and Mr. Limi Basar.He
always wanted the best for the Society.
Hope his wishes are tried to be imbibed by the present generation of the Basar area in
particular ,the present D.T Shop in Basar is a tribute to a great man and the
progenies want to do something more for man of his stature in the future.And in
his first death anniversary in 15 Nov.2015 want all to visit in the Old Market Basar town
to get his divine blessings.For few great man alone make a legacy in this life
others make mare living and we are surely proud to be his sibling and for inheriting
his gene pool.
of the comment of the Peoples on my fathers death:-
truthful man who never compromised on his principles have died-Adv.Mikar Basar(
As verbally communicated)
great man as he was he left for heavenly abode on the auspicious occasion of
the Galo calendar- Z after Diri/less agricultural production time and before
Dichi I,e-winter.( This is the message Sri Karyom Riram Rtd.Secy. Govt. of Arunachal
Pradesh read on the funeral ceremony)
Jeeny Pagmen
Gitu Taba Is duniya main jobi ate hai wo chele jate
hai.Rehte hai to bas unka karm unki acchai jo hamare yaadein banker reh jate
hai bas yaadein banker.His soul will rest on the heaven.
Kajum Nyori · Friends with Nyami Riba
One of
history one galo people we remember all the time.
Rintu Saikia my
heart beats for great soul.
GoRa Api Bam May
his soul rest in peace....
Lendo Lendo May
God take care of his soul.
Bommi Riba He was a man of
principle.Honest,courageous and candid.We have lost a pioneer.Achi; you lived
an inspiring life!
Deep condolences to bereaved family.May your SOUL rest in peace·
Deep condolences to bereaved family.May your SOUL rest in peace·
Very sorry to hear about da news a
heartful condolence..our prayers will be always der for u n ur family..may his
soul rest in peace.Amen

mikk yajj yallo yeken be yela ka emla
kumlikk dagna
May i pray almighty Donyi -Polo to
give peace, courages to our Ato Dakto's departed soul in his heavenly abode.
Tunu Gadi Deepest condolences
may God help for the eternal peace of
his departed soul..
Tape, drop me there, come n lets go
there... he use to order me whenever he met me as he would never ask me if m
busy or have time or not. I'll miss him. RIP.
May his eternal soul rest in peace.
At dis hours of distress may almighty gv all family members enough strength
& courage. to bear with irrepairable loss.
Tony Pertin Togo, my deepest condolences.
It is difficult to fill the void but he will be happy if you follow his
teaching. I pray to Almighty for his eternal peace. RIP.
Read about it in the papers. A very
good and loving person has left us. Regret we could not be there.
Lotu Gadi Condolense..may his departed
soul hav the best of evrythin in heaven..
We r feel of our stem
are broke.we remember his great contribution.god care his soul.
i prey 4 yor father soul
Gocar Riba my Condolence
Sq.Leader Hemonto Panging Deepest
Heartfelt condolences
·Lemli Loyi May his soul rest in peace ! I
remember your dad as a successful and handsome young man in his Wily's Jeep,
when he used to come to RKM hostel to visit you, during late 1970s & early
80s period. My condolences to you and your family, my friend!
·Kaling Jerang my dear Togo/
it is unfortunate that i have not been able to be beside you as i am back from
koloriang n sarlie. all my thoughts and prayers are with u . may the departed
soul of your dad lie in peace. asi kaling
·Nimisha Rawat Deepest
condolences 2 u n ur family on ur father's demise .May his soul rest in peace.
li Nigam May his soul
rest in Peace.My Condolences to you and your family.
Piine yirne, abo ne donyi-polo moko
lo alli be inmo ge ka emla kumlik dagna.

Our prayer :- Oh father let thy soul live in
peace without any illness in eternity with the blessing of almighty God and may ever after live with the soul of our dear mother Late Tumbi Basar 
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