A midst the growing unrest and infighting between the Panchayat leaders and there supporters in ongoing Tirbin panchayat election at least the good result is that the counting of the ongoing Panchayat election result of Tirbin Circle of West Siang Dist.Arunachal pradesh India of Basar Sub-Division have been fixed in Basar Sub Division as demanded by PPA.It is pertinent to mention that Tirbin constitutes about 30% of the total vote of whole 29th Assembly constituency Basar.And other parts Panchayat election is already over including whole Basar`s constituencies Ego and Basar area.This time the underage voters only seems to be more violent; it seems the aged ones seems to be shying from much of the violent activities as seen earlier in this places.And this also shows the growing maturity of the Publics, as misleading innocent kids is immoral and illegal even the divine power will despise this.As they are easiest prey but see using students who are immature what loss they are made to incur later in there life?
They even don`t know that threatening other may make them to stay in jail for as long for 7 yrs.also.And if already there is a case against them it may not help them in getting Bail also .And thus all must teach and control there kids least one day there parents will regret for this violent activities ;thus each one must be careful and should not use innocent and emotional kids in name of religion and area interest.See the conspirators will also have same punishment as the juvenile offenders also thus non should provoke them. For the short time gains of leaders area as a whole is going to suffer now.As unfortunately even the class V students of minor age name is put in electoral roll in this remote place for interest of local leader.And mind it he will alone bear all the sin also as only some rich family son`s who can study abroad are now seen successful in academic carrier from this areas.Fed up of this kind of law breaking Hon`ble Bihar C.M Nitish Kumarji may have to term Lallu Yadavji as habitual offender also.And we must now call spade a spade as S.149 IPC exempt the Publics from criticizing Public leaders anything done in Public office if there is substantial truth in what he does.But non can intervene ones personal life and this also gossipers does.But this will make a leader more famous as more important is open view of a person in appropriate forrum.
They even don`t know that threatening other may make them to stay in jail for as long for 7 yrs.also.And if already there is a case against them it may not help them in getting Bail also .And thus all must teach and control there kids least one day there parents will regret for this violent activities ;thus each one must be careful and should not use innocent and emotional kids in name of religion and area interest.See the conspirators will also have same punishment as the juvenile offenders also thus non should provoke them. For the short time gains of leaders area as a whole is going to suffer now.As unfortunately even the class V students of minor age name is put in electoral roll in this remote place for interest of local leader.And mind it he will alone bear all the sin also as only some rich family son`s who can study abroad are now seen successful in academic carrier from this areas.Fed up of this kind of law breaking Hon`ble Bihar C.M Nitish Kumarji may have to term Lallu Yadavji as habitual offender also.And we must now call spade a spade as S.149 IPC exempt the Publics from criticizing Public leaders anything done in Public office if there is substantial truth in what he does.But non can intervene ones personal life and this also gossipers does.But this will make a leader more famous as more important is open view of a person in appropriate forrum.
And mind it the one who is right now using gondagardi for there own end may oneday become its own victim also.And by depriving police protection to the Opposition leaders the ruling party leaders in Arunachal Pradesh may be tomorrow digging there own graveyard also.The young misleaded leaders also need to know that had there been proper development,Youth centric programmes and sport field for the youths in Tirbin , they may have not gone ashtray and develop in positive line.See who is responsible for it? is it not the present leadership who cannot even manage decent football ground for Tirbin Town Publics also?As there was a time when land and Govt. budget was adequate.And for them who if using communal ism and sectarian issues without any reason to divert from there non delivery;they need to now fear the new resurrected Tirbin Publics.As enough is enough as why the need for beating PPA Block President Sri Pelin Lombiji?I dare the present leaders to come open in common press conference.
Why fear in facing open debate by present leaders in elections? NGO`s like GWS should organise this open Debate competition.As one like Adv.Eto Riram is rightly saying; the rich leaders with lots of properties in Itanagar areas seems to be buckling under pressure from anti social elements and is one of the main reason for Galo`s loss of pride.As if leaders himself is scarred then what will not happen to aam admi.He may be not wrong either also.Thus it is time many believe the Galo Ban Keba should evolve from this impression of conglomoration of the vested interest officers,politicians and bussiness man and moniter the ongoing Tirbin Panchayat election actively.As for us we are ready to release any video coverage in U-Tube and media channels if pol excess is found.See till now the payment in check which is also heard to be bouncing back is said to be distributed to the innocent voters.This voters need to know this are punishable offence under S. 420 IPC and S.38 of the Negotiable Instrument act and should deal more smartly with the corrupted and power obsessed leaders.And must complaint to us if they still want to mislead the innocent voters.
The luring of the innocent voters by the false promise of job etc. have been also now seriously warned by the Chief Election Commissioner and recently Hon`ble S.C have promise to debar the contesting of MLA and MP`s who will be convicted for 2 yrs.and more for any crime.It will be illegal and highly condemn able to think that only sitting MLA or MP have only right to campaign in his own place thus use of threat is highly condemnable.See in previous election many innocent voters are heard to be hoodwinked with false promise in A.P.And more so in the Tirbin Circle where earlier opposition leaders were reportedly man handled as well.And the State power was used blatantly by stopping coming of campaigner from other side by using Police and Local Gam Burah as well.And those not authorized persons where allowed to come inside ERO /EAC office in election time.
Why fear in facing open debate by present leaders in elections? NGO`s like GWS should organise this open Debate competition.As one like Adv.Eto Riram is rightly saying; the rich leaders with lots of properties in Itanagar areas seems to be buckling under pressure from anti social elements and is one of the main reason for Galo`s loss of pride.As if leaders himself is scarred then what will not happen to aam admi.He may be not wrong either also.Thus it is time many believe the Galo Ban Keba should evolve from this impression of conglomoration of the vested interest officers,politicians and bussiness man and moniter the ongoing Tirbin Panchayat election actively.As for us we are ready to release any video coverage in U-Tube and media channels if pol excess is found.See till now the payment in check which is also heard to be bouncing back is said to be distributed to the innocent voters.This voters need to know this are punishable offence under S. 420 IPC and S.38 of the Negotiable Instrument act and should deal more smartly with the corrupted and power obsessed leaders.And must complaint to us if they still want to mislead the innocent voters.
The luring of the innocent voters by the false promise of job etc. have been also now seriously warned by the Chief Election Commissioner and recently Hon`ble S.C have promise to debar the contesting of MLA and MP`s who will be convicted for 2 yrs.and more for any crime.It will be illegal and highly condemn able to think that only sitting MLA or MP have only right to campaign in his own place thus use of threat is highly condemnable.See in previous election many innocent voters are heard to be hoodwinked with false promise in A.P.And more so in the Tirbin Circle where earlier opposition leaders were reportedly man handled as well.And the State power was used blatantly by stopping coming of campaigner from other side by using Police and Local Gam Burah as well.And those not authorized persons where allowed to come inside ERO /EAC office in election time.
As this is grass roots politics and our duty must be educating the general Public's thus the leaders must try to resist from interfering here as much as possible.As for a good leader why need for Blitzkrieg during election time only.The Public's also need to know that today for the incapable leaders only money he is using is Rupees 1 crore from MLAD,it is foolish to see his property is used for charitable work.And see this MLAD fund this cannot be denied to an opposition party also if tomorrow they make an MLA.And the MLA`s and MP`s they have no political jurisdiction over the Panchayat Institutions also which have separate funds.And here also the fund will come based on merit only.Like in the State of Gujarat maximum MNREGA funds have to be given by any cost even if it is a opposition State as it delivers.
Today it is time to repent and introspect by all as we need more visionary, educated and non contractor doing leaders having political will and time to participate in the Panchayat Seminars and Lecturers in Delhi and Bombay.And see in many case even transportation is free but our previous Panchayat leaders never availed this and become tools of the corrupted leaders to rule other by force,lies and deceits by engineering election of similier like them as Panchayat leaders generally school drop outs.It will be shame for us in this 2013 also to be rescued by a higher power as God has already given us everything to see our interest.See the great Tirbin publics cannot be dependent on some leader who have practically become Social parasite if critically seen as some critics dubb.As leadership should be able to deliver whole lot of thing which a God fearing and justice and equality lover can alone give.The present smart leaders even seems to be cunningly preparing even a rich leader like them against them as there viable alternative as they know they can be only ultimately be defeated by a honest and God fearing Person this some critic opine now.
It is nothing personal but how long the elites can oversee this injustice just near us as love thy neighbor can this doctrine be negated.See why there is still no 3G connection in Tirbin town as in era of openness why the Publics here be deprived of modern gift of science and even 2 G connection always blocked.As all cannot be given job so is it not better for them to see the world of opportunity even if one despise Social network for opening free discussion.See in the day of the Judgement the punishment may be more for the cowards also specially the pseudo coreligionist and escapists thus who really love there society must say openly now as time have come for this.As divinity is openness, justice and equality and so why freedom of expression as enshrined in Constitution of India also given as Fundamental Right be taken away by someone.After all non can accept outsider to clean the shit in house.But see it is not only about the use of money but the threat to life that is seen in this places in election time and bad thing is this is done by few Peoples who in fact themselves are living in wrong time of history.Thus non need to be fear now.And mind it this unnecessary fear will never allow the future generations to live with there head held high also.And see a good citizen will only flourish in positive atmosphere only.See will the pressure tactics to make other subordinate will it last also?If the boss is of one type of character will his subject not inherit that today and honestly to many`s opinions the exclusive contractor leader seems to be now the bad role model; the deserving opposition are now criticized with worst allegations and gossip but open view and opinion in the world forrum is thousand times powerful then this women folks character.And yes ultimately what one think about himself is more important then what others thinks of him also.
.As one like Adv.Ito Riram recently lambasted in facebook recently criticizing the goondagardi in Tirbin .And see soon many will follow truth if one really love his society and want to see its betterment.As who can guarantee non starting of Naxalism and terrorism if the gaps between haves and haves not is too much in one place.As eventually truth only triumphs and truth is the underdeveloped place like Tirbin need better leader and this is need of time now.And I appeal all to please love thy motherland. I am expecting full cooperation from Sri M.K.Sahoo I.A.S present Deputy Commissioner of West Siang Dist.Aalo.But can the tall claim of S.P- S.C Yadavji to monitor the election nicely can be accepted with only dozen Police personal reportedly deputed in sensitive place like Tirbin.
I am sure for the shake of the Society each one will leave his egoism and pride and may be one day sit for a honest discussion also.As for me I am ready to talk to any one at any point and this may be the best thing to do also in this worst transition period also.As God have given some talent to all and together we should thrive to make this world a heaven by brotherly love and affection.After all a midst the difference we must see that we are common Galo`s only.Honestly I have never any intention to use this platform to hurt any one or to show my personal grudge against any one but to discuss how best we can take every one together in our Society which have lot many things to give to others also.For this we must show our magnanimity and yes Christian representative have been also never given chance here in Basar constituency as Hon`ble MLA.And the Donyi Polo brothers of the Basar area should also appreciate PPA`s giving ZPM ticket to there co-believer in Christian strong place like Tirbin this time in ongoing Panchayat election.
There is reason to doubt the election being sabotaged from the anti social elements in Tirbin circle as the facts and figures is unfortunately going against it.As earlier election also there was a anti social group called Taliban controlling the town Publics.And see why the Panchayat election at Tirbin only got postponed also?See this time even the PPA ZPM candidate nomination was cleared with great difficulty.Thus requesting all the good Tirbinites to not to oppose us for shake of opposing.As all the Tirbin publics are good except few and what we are saying is for betterment of the all the Tirbinites only.It will be still futile to fear the ruling party or blindly obey it when there is definite policy paralysis and non deliverance by offdated leader. See by the time the tourism scope is realized may be all the constructed Buildings in Tirbin town may be ruined by then.Thus free expression is very much important point in democracy as this will only benefit the Publics truelly to come to the best.
Please prey for the Lords will to be accomplish in the 29th Basar Assembly election for a political change in State Assembly election as prophesy is reported to have come to few Holy peoples.Let the repentance come to all in this time itself and let truth win this time in Panchayat election to show that we are worthy son of God and ever willing to accomplish His will . And for the real Civil Society members and upcoming journalists who want to see the justice and equality nothing like visiting the hypersensitive polling Station like- 7A/1(ii)Sodo -Tedu doke,7A/1 Kardo Lete and 7A/4(ii)Tiri Ngensi Villages of Tirbin Circle of the West siang Dist.A.P on the polling day of 17th july 2013 where massive rigging plan is reported to occur. Please help us to bring pressure on E.R/EAC Sri Otem Jamoh the In charge of the ongoing Panchayat election and Sri Legoji O.C Tirbin .And like the few good officer who have taken great risk to side with truth and justice you can still help us by say providing us extra button camera to check the untoward incidents.Now upto the leadership to be tomorrow counted in the rank of all the Demon/ Raksas like-Ravana,Kansh and King Herod who refused to hear the divine warning or to say it a day by hearing good advise of there family members as howsoever rich one is can he really fight the opponent with God`s in his side.
Today it is time to repent and introspect by all as we need more visionary, educated and non contractor doing leaders having political will and time to participate in the Panchayat Seminars and Lecturers in Delhi and Bombay.And see in many case even transportation is free but our previous Panchayat leaders never availed this and become tools of the corrupted leaders to rule other by force,lies and deceits by engineering election of similier like them as Panchayat leaders generally school drop outs.It will be shame for us in this 2013 also to be rescued by a higher power as God has already given us everything to see our interest.See the great Tirbin publics cannot be dependent on some leader who have practically become Social parasite if critically seen as some critics dubb.As leadership should be able to deliver whole lot of thing which a God fearing and justice and equality lover can alone give.The present smart leaders even seems to be cunningly preparing even a rich leader like them against them as there viable alternative as they know they can be only ultimately be defeated by a honest and God fearing Person this some critic opine now.
It is nothing personal but how long the elites can oversee this injustice just near us as love thy neighbor can this doctrine be negated.See why there is still no 3G connection in Tirbin town as in era of openness why the Publics here be deprived of modern gift of science and even 2 G connection always blocked.As all cannot be given job so is it not better for them to see the world of opportunity even if one despise Social network for opening free discussion.See in the day of the Judgement the punishment may be more for the cowards also specially the pseudo coreligionist and escapists thus who really love there society must say openly now as time have come for this.As divinity is openness, justice and equality and so why freedom of expression as enshrined in Constitution of India also given as Fundamental Right be taken away by someone.After all non can accept outsider to clean the shit in house.But see it is not only about the use of money but the threat to life that is seen in this places in election time and bad thing is this is done by few Peoples who in fact themselves are living in wrong time of history.Thus non need to be fear now.And mind it this unnecessary fear will never allow the future generations to live with there head held high also.And see a good citizen will only flourish in positive atmosphere only.See will the pressure tactics to make other subordinate will it last also?If the boss is of one type of character will his subject not inherit that today and honestly to many`s opinions the exclusive contractor leader seems to be now the bad role model; the deserving opposition are now criticized with worst allegations and gossip but open view and opinion in the world forrum is thousand times powerful then this women folks character.And yes ultimately what one think about himself is more important then what others thinks of him also.
.As one like Adv.Ito Riram recently lambasted in facebook recently criticizing the goondagardi in Tirbin .And see soon many will follow truth if one really love his society and want to see its betterment.As who can guarantee non starting of Naxalism and terrorism if the gaps between haves and haves not is too much in one place.As eventually truth only triumphs and truth is the underdeveloped place like Tirbin need better leader and this is need of time now.And I appeal all to please love thy motherland. I am expecting full cooperation from Sri M.K.Sahoo I.A.S present Deputy Commissioner of West Siang Dist.Aalo.But can the tall claim of S.P- S.C Yadavji to monitor the election nicely can be accepted with only dozen Police personal reportedly deputed in sensitive place like Tirbin.
I am sure for the shake of the Society each one will leave his egoism and pride and may be one day sit for a honest discussion also.As for me I am ready to talk to any one at any point and this may be the best thing to do also in this worst transition period also.As God have given some talent to all and together we should thrive to make this world a heaven by brotherly love and affection.After all a midst the difference we must see that we are common Galo`s only.Honestly I have never any intention to use this platform to hurt any one or to show my personal grudge against any one but to discuss how best we can take every one together in our Society which have lot many things to give to others also.For this we must show our magnanimity and yes Christian representative have been also never given chance here in Basar constituency as Hon`ble MLA.And the Donyi Polo brothers of the Basar area should also appreciate PPA`s giving ZPM ticket to there co-believer in Christian strong place like Tirbin this time in ongoing Panchayat election.
There is reason to doubt the election being sabotaged from the anti social elements in Tirbin circle as the facts and figures is unfortunately going against it.As earlier election also there was a anti social group called Taliban controlling the town Publics.And see why the Panchayat election at Tirbin only got postponed also?See this time even the PPA ZPM candidate nomination was cleared with great difficulty.Thus requesting all the good Tirbinites to not to oppose us for shake of opposing.As all the Tirbin publics are good except few and what we are saying is for betterment of the all the Tirbinites only.It will be still futile to fear the ruling party or blindly obey it when there is definite policy paralysis and non deliverance by offdated leader. See by the time the tourism scope is realized may be all the constructed Buildings in Tirbin town may be ruined by then.Thus free expression is very much important point in democracy as this will only benefit the Publics truelly to come to the best.
Please prey for the Lords will to be accomplish in the 29th Basar Assembly election for a political change in State Assembly election as prophesy is reported to have come to few Holy peoples.Let the repentance come to all in this time itself and let truth win this time in Panchayat election to show that we are worthy son of God and ever willing to accomplish His will . And for the real Civil Society members and upcoming journalists who want to see the justice and equality nothing like visiting the hypersensitive polling Station like- 7A/1(ii)Sodo -Tedu doke,7A/1 Kardo Lete and 7A/4(ii)Tiri Ngensi Villages of Tirbin Circle of the West siang Dist.A.P on the polling day of 17th july 2013 where massive rigging plan is reported to occur. Please help us to bring pressure on E.R/EAC Sri Otem Jamoh the In charge of the ongoing Panchayat election and Sri Legoji O.C Tirbin .And like the few good officer who have taken great risk to side with truth and justice you can still help us by say providing us extra button camera to check the untoward incidents.Now upto the leadership to be tomorrow counted in the rank of all the Demon/ Raksas like-Ravana,Kansh and King Herod who refused to hear the divine warning or to say it a day by hearing good advise of there family members as howsoever rich one is can he really fight the opponent with God`s in his side.
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