Late Tomo Ribaji
(One of main founder of PPA)
The result of the PPA in the recent Panchayat election is really encouraging as party managed about 6 ZPM and dozen ASM`s and GPM as per the latest report.The great begining for PPA in the Siang Dist. where it get 3 ZPM is really surprising.That is even after the Karnataka good result of the Congress party thus after Congress party in A.P the PPA has come up as a major force.The quotation of the Astraunaut Neil Armstrong is worth remembering now for the Arunachal Pradesh hitherto sleeping Publics.When Neil Armstrong said on his reaching moon that-This is like Ants step but will be in future the Giants leap for the history of mankind.It is like that for the PPA party now as the Publics have for the first time show there open defiance to ruling party Govt.And to the critics the action speaks louder then words is our PPA answer and see what will happen after if the Congress party really falls down in center as anticipated.
And see those opposition leaders who have taken taugh posture have benefitted more and have proved themselves as EKTHA TOGER`S in the history.And of course along with there supporters and relatives also have ensured there name in history.We the PPA rank and file salute the new Public spirit of the West Siang Dist.Specially man like Tummar Bagraji,Kito Soraji,Kenbom Ribaji,Marto Nyoduji and all the winning ZPM,ASM and GPM candidates there relatives and supporters also.As history gives few occassion to become immortal and surely the Aalo Publics seems to have graved it.As only foolish will live in his make believe world by cutting 10 Mithun`s from surreptitiously earned money called Togu in Galo tribe custom which is marriage celebration which is considered a great achievement.As more important is how much change of attitude a leader brings in Publics rather then how much he rules and corrupt`s the Public mind to take them to hell.Or was there earlier diseases and illness called -stroke and Pressure in our Society?Is it not due to disobedience of God`s commandment of imparting justice and equality which new leadership may can do better and only for the financial limitations is waiting for the right time now.And as the Human beings are basically programmed to do good only will the fight will not be tough in Geographically poor place like Tirbin circle of Basar area this time where the Panchayat election have been postponed by God know`s whose hand?
But if God blesses non can stop a good thing from happening.The reversal of fortune in the Siang Dist which was earlier strong bastion of Congress is really surprising for the critics; soon it may benefit the PPA in penetrating the strong intellectual lobby constituting of large technocrats and beurocrates living in this areas of Aalo ,Basar and Pasighat township areas also.As the transformation here means death of congress party , as this is epi centre`s of all kind of revolutions.It is time now for the NCP,BJP and Independent top leaders and there supporters to immediately join the PPA many are feeling it now.As even if other party may be good in paper work; the rural population seems to be with the PPA only.And with the recent Lokh Sabha pre- poll survey result going completely against the Congress in India also; it is time the rank and files of all the Party of A.P show there solidarity to the PPA candidate in the Tirbin circle of Basar area, where there will be soon Panchayat election.As it may be last chance to make a peaceful reconciliation in this worst transition period before ball goes out of the top Congress leaders hand also.As this days truth tellers have been also accepted as great asset for the society.And after initial reservation by the Publics,the leader making head long collision with the ruling congress party have been seen to be succeded more.And our strategy of choosing basically non service doing immediate relatives as party candidates who don`t fear Govt. seems to have paid of now.
This days the civil society at large seems to be hating self centric and whimsical leaders.And even many are now seeing postponement of the Tirbin Panchayat election in bad light which have rather put the local congress leaders in awkward situations after this recent political developments.And many are now thinking time have come to give a good lesson to redundant leaders .As it is pertinent to mention that in earlier election also from no where misleaded youth`s called Taliban used to show there ugly face in the Tirbin election for which the General publics are very angry now.As if leader trust in his good work why there is always try to act smart many are openly saying now.Good news is this time the Christian and the Donyi polo brothers in Tirbin are together seems to be in a mood to punish the system which have given birth to rise of more illness,class disparity and communal ism. As the average liking for the PPA party seems to be more as shown recently in Ego belt of Basar area where we managed 2 out of 3 ASM candidates fielded by us and two unopposed GPM seat also went in our favour besides two more GPM which we win.That too the candidates voluntarily come ideologically motivated;and least poll expense was used also but neverthless we managed to win.As for the Basar Publics only time will show there real liking for which leader they like in Assembly election as for the Independent candidate in Basar town the lack of party platform seems to have costed him.As the Dist.Hq. issue was the best weapon of an opposition leader and he seems to have been misleaded by vested interest Publics .
As in Arunachal it is hard truth to go for greener pastures after Lokh Sabha election and political leaders also need to know that the Secular card of the Congress is now more appropriate in the hands of members of 3rd front.And mind it if there is routing of Congress party in centre the tough leader like Narendra Modiji if given chance may initiate legal case against top congress leaders also.As for PPA its alliance with the NPF is more then enough even if congress manage to come back in power also.After all Neiupo Rioji is the real boss of NE.And only equi distance and generally respected Party even by the Central party left being PPA now.Which can be alleigned with any power in centre and State thus for State interest time to enlist the names in PPA party.For it barring in few Urban areas there is inherent advantage in contesting from it even in M.P election also.And thus good that many leaders are heard to be seriously thinking for supporting the most ideologically acceptable party like PPA in future.And thus what better way to make the beginning by lending helping hand in the coming Tirbin Panchayat election which is coming soon.See even the NDA is herd to be serious now on appeassing party like NPF,AGP and PPA etc.As best will be alliance with regional force in south and North India territory this seems to have been learnt lately by NDA after Karnataka debacle also.Thus barring few leaders and Party ; for PPA also not all are achut and best for them to also join the party as soon as possible as also unfortunately some of the local BJP State leaders have exposed themselves as political broker`s whom there lower cadre also not respect now.And as for some of the NCP with immediate relatives doing Govt. servants soon Publics may say don`t fool yourself.As only paper tiger non respects this days .
The aspiring Publics may can now take benefit of the new definition given of the PPA party by a critic.As one Gentleman say`s PPA which definition in reality is -`PATA PAT AAO PARTY``, KYUNKI BAD MAIN JAGA NAHIN MILEGA.So run for better future forgetting everything egoism and pride as mind it one`s enemy is himself only.And as Hindi Saying goes-`Vinash Kale Viprit Buddhi.`So why not leaders having prima facie corruption and nepotism case against them for violation of office of profit law also still not bow down to the Public`s will is a surprise for the vigilant publics.As it is very difficult to earn this days and very good if they spend up there easy money in election as this time Publics are ready to punish them.It is hope the whimsical leaders family members will make a final attempt to tell some senior leaders that time is over for them.As Devanandji was tried to be stopped to make flop films in his fake end of career.After all the Tirbinites are they also not made of same material the present leaders are made of?
As today even the ordinary Gram Burah knows today that earlier they were lied upon as live aside there removal for campaigning in election .They now know that they have not only been exempted from campaigning but can also contest MLA under 1977 Disqualification Act and this law have been kept mutatis mutandi in the recent Panchayat manuel also.As Law is same for all so what about the ruling Service man doing campaigning also?And what about the open inducement by the present leaders in elections ?The Public`s are they not aware of there right and ready to expose them this days as the Tirbin public's are supposed to be most upright Peoples?And supposed to be not mute witness to the history being made in other place ,but should be hopefully participatory to the historical process in this historic occasion.When in future today's fighters may can always live with there head held high for ever.As in earlier worst days they have been already in the PPA so why not join it in good times.
Thus all the media fraternity like Times of Arunachal,Echo of Arunachal etc.are also supposed to send there secret sting operators.As case like Tongam Rina is due to the sending of Narad Munis types of leaders who seems to be making the seniour leaders and there supporters to commit himalayan bluders due to appeasement politics also.So the problem have to be nipped at bud to clean the soddom Gomorrah of the Arunachal Pradesh where all time some tries to sabotage the democracy in election time.Holy Spirit possessed persons have also predicated sudden doom for corrupted leader`s.And some have reason to anticipate a danger after facing unique incidents in there life also.Those who have been tried to be advised in all the respectful and peaceful way in privacy before coming to the media in open it was time for them to think thousand times as divine power really seems to be active now a days .Making miracle man Dynamo walking openly over river,fly in air and vanish in thin air also as shown in History channel.And this also the power obsessed and unbelieving mind will refuse to accept taking serous issues like making a king/leader from God`s perspective as a play.
Mind it Holy Bible have even forbade drinking wine for the king e,i-modern MLA and Ministers also.As He seems to have been particular about leaders not giving injustice to poor and destitutes unknowingly also.But in the recent AOP document of Tirbin area find by the RTI where close MLA`s relatives and supporters have been given additional funds from other funding agencies also besides MLAD.Like from -Special package ,FDR and Central schemes.That too just before election.But what about majority specially more poorer Public`s who have been kept in lurches.They must be now told of there right as time have also come to make a creative leader who brings other source of fund,maintain equality and justice and develops confidence and pride in the Publics as Lord wishes.Time to at least give prayer support by all the God fearing person of the world in this divine mission in which few officers of Tirbin Circle of Basar Sub Division of West Siang Dist.Arunachal Pradesh India have also put there all out effort to accomplish the will of God to bring leadership change from now on itself in the coming Panchayat election.Thus help is accepted from new world citizens as spiritual leaders are prophesising change for better everywhere also.
This days the civil society at large seems to be hating self centric and whimsical leaders.And even many are now seeing postponement of the Tirbin Panchayat election in bad light which have rather put the local congress leaders in awkward situations after this recent political developments.And many are now thinking time have come to give a good lesson to redundant leaders .As it is pertinent to mention that in earlier election also from no where misleaded youth`s called Taliban used to show there ugly face in the Tirbin election for which the General publics are very angry now.As if leader trust in his good work why there is always try to act smart many are openly saying now.Good news is this time the Christian and the Donyi polo brothers in Tirbin are together seems to be in a mood to punish the system which have given birth to rise of more illness,class disparity and communal ism. As the average liking for the PPA party seems to be more as shown recently in Ego belt of Basar area where we managed 2 out of 3 ASM candidates fielded by us and two unopposed GPM seat also went in our favour besides two more GPM which we win.That too the candidates voluntarily come ideologically motivated;and least poll expense was used also but neverthless we managed to win.As for the Basar Publics only time will show there real liking for which leader they like in Assembly election as for the Independent candidate in Basar town the lack of party platform seems to have costed him.As the Dist.Hq. issue was the best weapon of an opposition leader and he seems to have been misleaded by vested interest Publics .
As in Arunachal it is hard truth to go for greener pastures after Lokh Sabha election and political leaders also need to know that the Secular card of the Congress is now more appropriate in the hands of members of 3rd front.And mind it if there is routing of Congress party in centre the tough leader like Narendra Modiji if given chance may initiate legal case against top congress leaders also.As for PPA its alliance with the NPF is more then enough even if congress manage to come back in power also.After all Neiupo Rioji is the real boss of NE.And only equi distance and generally respected Party even by the Central party left being PPA now.Which can be alleigned with any power in centre and State thus for State interest time to enlist the names in PPA party.For it barring in few Urban areas there is inherent advantage in contesting from it even in M.P election also.And thus good that many leaders are heard to be seriously thinking for supporting the most ideologically acceptable party like PPA in future.And thus what better way to make the beginning by lending helping hand in the coming Tirbin Panchayat election which is coming soon.See even the NDA is herd to be serious now on appeassing party like NPF,AGP and PPA etc.As best will be alliance with regional force in south and North India territory this seems to have been learnt lately by NDA after Karnataka debacle also.Thus barring few leaders and Party ; for PPA also not all are achut and best for them to also join the party as soon as possible as also unfortunately some of the local BJP State leaders have exposed themselves as political broker`s whom there lower cadre also not respect now.And as for some of the NCP with immediate relatives doing Govt. servants soon Publics may say don`t fool yourself.As only paper tiger non respects this days .
The aspiring Publics may can now take benefit of the new definition given of the PPA party by a critic.As one Gentleman say`s PPA which definition in reality is -`PATA PAT AAO PARTY``, KYUNKI BAD MAIN JAGA NAHIN MILEGA.So run for better future forgetting everything egoism and pride as mind it one`s enemy is himself only.And as Hindi Saying goes-`Vinash Kale Viprit Buddhi.`So why not leaders having prima facie corruption and nepotism case against them for violation of office of profit law also still not bow down to the Public`s will is a surprise for the vigilant publics.As it is very difficult to earn this days and very good if they spend up there easy money in election as this time Publics are ready to punish them.It is hope the whimsical leaders family members will make a final attempt to tell some senior leaders that time is over for them.As Devanandji was tried to be stopped to make flop films in his fake end of career.After all the Tirbinites are they also not made of same material the present leaders are made of?
As today even the ordinary Gram Burah knows today that earlier they were lied upon as live aside there removal for campaigning in election .They now know that they have not only been exempted from campaigning but can also contest MLA under 1977 Disqualification Act and this law have been kept mutatis mutandi in the recent Panchayat manuel also.As Law is same for all so what about the ruling Service man doing campaigning also?And what about the open inducement by the present leaders in elections ?The Public`s are they not aware of there right and ready to expose them this days as the Tirbin public's are supposed to be most upright Peoples?And supposed to be not mute witness to the history being made in other place ,but should be hopefully participatory to the historical process in this historic occasion.When in future today's fighters may can always live with there head held high for ever.As in earlier worst days they have been already in the PPA so why not join it in good times.
Thus all the media fraternity like Times of Arunachal,Echo of Arunachal etc.are also supposed to send there secret sting operators.As case like Tongam Rina is due to the sending of Narad Munis types of leaders who seems to be making the seniour leaders and there supporters to commit himalayan bluders due to appeasement politics also.So the problem have to be nipped at bud to clean the soddom Gomorrah of the Arunachal Pradesh where all time some tries to sabotage the democracy in election time.Holy Spirit possessed persons have also predicated sudden doom for corrupted leader`s.And some have reason to anticipate a danger after facing unique incidents in there life also.Those who have been tried to be advised in all the respectful and peaceful way in privacy before coming to the media in open it was time for them to think thousand times as divine power really seems to be active now a days .Making miracle man Dynamo walking openly over river,fly in air and vanish in thin air also as shown in History channel.And this also the power obsessed and unbelieving mind will refuse to accept taking serous issues like making a king/leader from God`s perspective as a play.
Mind it Holy Bible have even forbade drinking wine for the king e,i-modern MLA and Ministers also.As He seems to have been particular about leaders not giving injustice to poor and destitutes unknowingly also.But in the recent AOP document of Tirbin area find by the RTI where close MLA`s relatives and supporters have been given additional funds from other funding agencies also besides MLAD.Like from -Special package ,FDR and Central schemes.That too just before election.But what about majority specially more poorer Public`s who have been kept in lurches.They must be now told of there right as time have also come to make a creative leader who brings other source of fund,maintain equality and justice and develops confidence and pride in the Publics as Lord wishes.Time to at least give prayer support by all the God fearing person of the world in this divine mission in which few officers of Tirbin Circle of Basar Sub Division of West Siang Dist.Arunachal Pradesh India have also put there all out effort to accomplish the will of God to bring leadership change from now on itself in the coming Panchayat election.Thus help is accepted from new world citizens as spiritual leaders are prophesising change for better everywhere also.